Saturday, November 12, 2016

10 Things I love about fall

Fall is by far my favorite seasons for so many reasons. So I figure why not list a few.

  • Visiting the Apple Orchard

Visiting the apple orchard is probably one of the most anticipated fall activity for my family. We are very lucky to have several apple orchards near us. So every fall we take a trip or two up to see them. The trip is usually to pick up apple cider and apples for the year, but also for the corn maze and to have a little fun.

  • Fall Treats

One of the apple orchards that my family visits has phenomenal apple cider donuts. These I can say are by far the best donuts I have ever had. But any apple cider donuts are still my favorite. Another fall sweet that I am in love with is candy corns. These are one off those things that you only end up having one time of the year, but you usually can't get enough of them. 

  • Baking

There is no better way to warm up when the weather gets cold then to turn on you oven and bake something. For my family fall means baking and of course canning. For fall there is usually apple crackle, acorn squash, apple cobbler, spaghetti squash, and pumpkin bars ; just to name a few of many recipes. If you ever find yourself bored in the chilly fall time, bake something!!

  • Pumpkins

Also I don't think people realize all the baking you can do with pumpkins. Yes, pumpkins are super cute, and awesome for decorating, but pumpkins are also great for baking. One of my favorite fall snacks by far is baked pumpkin seeds. It's literally as simple as just popping a few pumpkin seeds into the oven with some sea salt and maybe a little olive oil; and in a few minutes you'll have yummy toasted pumpkin seeds. But lets not forget about carving pumpkins, just when you thought pumpkins couldn't get any better they become a way to express your creativity. Sadly we did not carve pumpkins this year like we usually do, but it's still also very fun to drive around the neighborhood an see everyone else's.

  • Fall Flowers

There are so many beautiful flower that bloom in the fall time. Mums are definitely one of my favorites. Growing up I always remember picking off the peddles with my sister and sprinkling them all around. Asters are another beautiful flower that bloom in the fall. We have a bunch of purple asters in front of our house, and they are usually one of the last flowers we have to bloom. It's almost like God's saving the best for last.

  • Fall Fashion

I think it's the cold weather that makes me want to dress up in the fall. As soon as I start to feel the nip in the air I don't hesitate to pull out my chunky sweaters, my warm scarves and my fall and winter boots.

  • The Weather

Where I live I feel like the weather is perfect in the fall time. I absolutely love the windy blustery days and fall colors. Also I am a huge fan of layering clothes and as you can probably guess that really doesn't work well in the warm summer months.

  • Hiking

What better way to enjoy all the fall colors then to go exploring. I always try to visit the state park near us at least once in the fall and go on a few hiking trails. It's also a really nice way to get your work out in for the day.

  • Bonfires

Bonfires are the perfect excuse to relax with you friends. We usually end up having a lot of bonfires. We have bonfires in the summer months as well as the fall, but the fall is when they are the best. One of the best feelings ever is sitting next to a warm fire on a chilly night. Also don't forget about roasting marshmallows :)


I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and maybe it inspired you to try some of these things. Comment below and let me know, what are some of your favorite things about fall?

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